The Emmert Colloquium
on Methods for
the Teaching of
April 12-13, 2019
Student Alumni Council Room
2nd Floor at The Ohio Union
The Ohio State University

Friday afternoon (April 12, 2019) 3:00-5:30
3:00-3:30: coffee
3:30: Welcome by Jack Emmert and Sarah Iles Johnston
Panel on using video games and comics to teach myth
- C.W. Marshall (University of British Columbia)
- Laura Marshall (Pennsylvania State University)
- Moderated and with response by Jack Emmert (Head of Games, Daybreak Game Company)
- Demo of a myth video game created by Kyle Clark (OSU School of Architecture)
Saturday (April 13, 2019)
9:00-9:30 breakfast buffet
Panel on myth and the arts
- Mathias Hanses (Pennsylvania State University) Tom Hawkins (OSU Classics)
- Moderated and with response by Sarah Iles Johnston (OSU Classics)
Lunch, 11:30 to 1:00
Panel on teaching myth as narrative
- Kathryn Morgan (University of California Los Angeles)
- Sarah Iles Johnston (OSU Classics
- Moderated and with response by Tom Hawkins (OSU Classics)
Coffee break, 2:30 to 3:00
Panel on comparing Greek myths to other myths
- Hanne Eisenfeld (Boston College)
- Carolina López-Ruiz and Brandon Bourgeois (both of OSU Classics)
- Moderated and with response by Fritz Graf (OSU Classics).
Round-up discussion, led by Maxwell Teitel-Paule (Earlham College).
This colloquium is sponsored by a generous gift from Jack Emmert, with additional support from GISRAM—the Graduate Interdisciplinary Specialization in Religions of the Ancient Mediterranean, at The Ohio State University
Free and open to all!
Reading Material: Please read prior to conference.