Emergency alert message

Ohio State Columbus campus in-person classes canceled Jan. 6 for weather. Instructors scheduled to teach in-person should consider synchronous instruction or activities, where feasible. For early morning classes, or in situations where synchronous instruction is not feasible, asynchronous learning is encouraged, including in cases where instructors have not shared a continuity plan with students. In-person classes are expected to resume on Tuesday, January 7. MORE: emergency.osu.edu

The Nominative Case

The nominative case is the case for the subject of the sentence. The subject is the person or thing about which the predicate makes a statement, and the name, "nominative," means "pertaining to the person or thing designated." Thus, you could say "Mary fired Joe" and the subject would be "Mary," the person designated as the actor in the sentence; but, if you said "Mary was fired by Joe," "Mary" would still be the subject, but this time designated as the one "acted upon." In Latin the subject does not always need to be expressed because it can be indicated by the person and number of the verb. "They praise" = laudant. See the subject case in English, which is similar to the Latin nominative case. You may want to think about what case is in Latin (and in other languages); some general observations can be found here.