Greek and Latin Concentration
The Greek and Latin concentration requires at least 30 major credit hours (15 credit hours of required courses and 15 credit hours of electives). Students must also complete a prerequisite Greek language sequence and Latin language sequence. All courses are 3 credit hours unless otherwise noted.
Prerequisites (22 credit hours - does not count toward total major credit hours)
Greek 1101 - Elementary Ancient Greek I (4)
Greek 1102 - Intermediate Ancient Greek I (4)
Greek 1103 - Intermediate Ancient Greek II
Latin 1101 - Elementary Latin I (4)
Latin 1102 - Intermediate Latin I (4)
Latin 1103 - Intermediate Latin II
Required Courses (15 credit hours)
At least 3 courses (9 credit hours) in Greek and Latin at or above the 2000-level (representing both languages in any combination).
Greek 2101 - Attic Prose
Greek 2102 - Homer
Greek 2103 - Greek Historians
Greek 2104 - Greek Tragedy
Greek 2110 - The Greek New Testament
Latin 2101 - Cicero
Latin 2102 - Vergil
Latin 2103 - Roman Historians
Latin 2104 - Ovid
Latin 2105 - Latin Lyric
Latin 2106 - Roman Comedy
At least 2 courses (6 credit hours) at the 5000-level (in one or both languages).
Greek 5011 - Greek Epic
Greek 5012 - Greek Lyric, Iambos, Elegy
Greek 5013 - Greek Historians
Greek 5014 - Greek Drama
Greek 5015 - Greek Oratory and Rhetorical Theory
Greek 5016 - Readings in Greek Philosophy
Greek 5017 - Later Greek Prose
Greek 5030 - Special Topics in Greek Literature
Greek 5797 - Study at a Foreign Institution (1-9)
Latin 5011 - Roman Epic Poetry
Latin 5012 - Roman Lyric and Erotic Poetry
Latin 5013 - Roman Historians
Latin 5014 - Roman Drama
Latin 5015 - Roman Oratory and Rhetorical Theory
Latin 5016 - Roman Philosophy
Latin 5017 - Roman Satire and Novel
Latin 5018 - Post-Classical Latin
Latin 5030 - Special Topics in Latin Literature
Latin 5797 - Study at a Foreign Institution (1-9)
Electives (15 credit hours)
The remaining 5 courses (15 credit hours) will consist of further Greek and Latin courses at or above the 2000-level and/or relevant elective courses chosen in consultation and approved by the major advisor.
*A maximum of 3 courses from outside the Department of Classics may count as electives toward the major.
Please run your Degree Audit Report in Buckeye Link to view courses that meet the elective course major requirements.