Sententiae, Unit 5

1  Invidiam populi Romani cras non sustinebis

sustinebis: 2nd person singular, Future Indicative Active of sustineo, -ere
You will not endure tomorrow the dislike of the Roman people.

This is a sentence from Cicero's speech against Catilina.

11.  Periculumne igitur heri remanebat?

Periculumne: "-ne" is a suffix (enclitic) placed at the end of the first word in a question. Periculum is in the emphatic position because it is the first word of the question. The suffix (ne) is attached to periculum to indicate that it is a question which expects an uncertain answer (either yes or no). Remember that when Latin was written by the Romans punctuation did not exist so they used certain attention getters, such as the suffix -ne, to help clarify the context. Thus, periculum is in the nominative, singular, neuter and is the subject of the question.)

remanebat: 3rd person singular imperfect active indicative from the 2nd conjugation verb remaneo, remanere, remansi, remansum.

And so yesterday was the danger remaining?

8.  Amabo te, cura filiam meam.

Amabo te: Literally translated this would mean: I will love you; however, in Latin, "amabo te" is an idiomatic expression which is equivalent to the English expression: please. It is usually placed in the mouths of women.

Please, take care of my daughter.

Roman social discourse is much more aware of reciprocrical obligations and responses than modern American discourse. Thus, we say "please" (that is, "if you please"), but the Romans look to the reward that will obtain: "I will love you".