Please join us for the Colloquium on NARRATIVE and Belief.
Brian Collins, Ohio University
Melissa Curley, Ohio State University
Seth Gaiters, University of North Carolina at Wilmington
Sarah Iles Johnston, Ohio State University
Sabina Magliocco, University of British Columbia
Carman Romano, Bryn Mawr College
Caroline Toy, Champlain College
How do narratives generate belief? What constitutes a belief narrative? By bringing together scholars from across the Humanities, this colloquium generates an interdisciplinary dialogue about belief and narratives in different cultural contexts, from ancient Greece to contemporary popular culture. Are particular narrative forms more suited to expressing or fostering belief? Are fictional narratives valid sources for believing—and can one call a narrative ‘fictional’ and still believe in/through it? Speakers will spark attendees to comparatively examine the dynamics of belief in and around such culturally-embedded narratives.
Narrative and Belief Colloquium
March 22-23, 2024
Schedule of Events
All events will be held in the Founders Room at the Ohio Union.
Friday, March 22
9:00am Breakfast for presenters and pre-registered attendees
9:45am Welcome and intellectual framing
10:30am First panel
Brian Collins, “Religion and Other True Ghost Stories: Introducing the Haunting and Human Sacrifice Complex”
Seth Gaiters, “Re-membering Michael Brown: Religion and Die-In Rituals of Grieving”
Carman Romano, “Hesiod’s Didactic Horrors”
12:00pm Lunch for presenters
1:00pm Second panel
Melissa Curley, “Urine Trouble: Bawdy Humor in Two Buddhist Stories”
Sarah Iles Johnston, “Religion in the Flanaverse”
Sabina Magliocco, title forthcoming
Caroline Toy, “’Shut up, I’m piloting the freakin’ TARDIS’: Narrative, Ostension, and the Real Lives of Secondary Worlds”
2:45pm Coffee break
3:00pm Discussion, all panelists – “Emerging Themes in the Study of Narrative and Belief”
4:00pm Closing
Saturday, March 23
9:15am Breakfast for presenters and pre-registered attendees
10:00am Discussion, all panelists – “Method and the Interdisciplinary Study of Narrative”
11:00am Methods and disciplines audience Q&A
12:00pm Lunch for presenters