April 14, 2024
Chris Parmenter's Residence
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2024-04-14 13:00:00
2024-04-14 15:00:00
CREG New Work Social
CREG New Work SocialSunday April 14th at 1pm at Chris Parmenter’s residence.Please contact Chris Parmenter (parmenter.14@osu.edu) if you are interested or have any questions.We meet once each semester to discuss recent published work relevant to the study of race, ethnicity, and gender in antiquity and its reception (broadly defined) or to discuss work in progress with a guest speaker.For this spring’s meeting, we will read and discuss our own Tom Hawkins’ Hacking Classical Forms in Haitian Literature (Routledge, 2023).
Chris Parmenter's Residence
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2024-04-14 13:00:00
2024-04-14 15:00:00
CREG New Work Social
CREG New Work SocialSunday April 14th at 1pm at Chris Parmenter’s residence.Please contact Chris Parmenter (parmenter.14@osu.edu) if you are interested or have any questions.We meet once each semester to discuss recent published work relevant to the study of race, ethnicity, and gender in antiquity and its reception (broadly defined) or to discuss work in progress with a guest speaker.For this spring’s meeting, we will read and discuss our own Tom Hawkins’ Hacking Classical Forms in Haitian Literature (Routledge, 2023).
Chris Parmenter's Residence
CREG New Work Social
Sunday April 14th at 1pm at Chris Parmenter’s residence.
Please contact Chris Parmenter (parmenter.14@osu.edu) if you are interested or have any questions.
We meet once each semester to discuss recent published work relevant to the study of race, ethnicity, and gender in antiquity and its reception (broadly defined) or to discuss work in progress with a guest speaker.
For this spring’s meeting, we will read and discuss our own Tom Hawkins’ Hacking Classical Forms in Haitian Literature (Routledge, 2023).