April 4 - April 18, 2016
Hopkins Hall Gallery
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2016-04-04 00:00:00
2016-04-18 00:00:00
Myths of the Academy
A collaboration between the Department of Classics, Department of Art and the Arts Initiative, Myths of the Academy is an exhibition curated by Richard Fletcher (Ohio State Classics) of work by Dani Leventhal (Ohio State Art), George Rush (Ohio State Art), Suzanne Silver (Ohio State Art) and Carmen Winant (CCAD) and their collaborators. The exhibition is part of a multifaceted project that addresses how Plato's use of myth in his dialogues and in the Academy may be used to investigate the role of the artist at the university, the general education of the artist, and the place of art and creativity in academic disciplines.
Hopkins Hall Gallery
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2016-04-04 00:00:00
2016-04-18 00:00:00
Myths of the Academy
A collaboration between the Department of Classics, Department of Art and the Arts Initiative, Myths of the Academy is an exhibition curated by Richard Fletcher (Ohio State Classics) of work by Dani Leventhal (Ohio State Art), George Rush (Ohio State Art), Suzanne Silver (Ohio State Art) and Carmen Winant (CCAD) and their collaborators. The exhibition is part of a multifaceted project that addresses how Plato's use of myth in his dialogues and in the Academy may be used to investigate the role of the artist at the university, the general education of the artist, and the place of art and creativity in academic disciplines.
Hopkins Hall Gallery
A collaboration between the Department of Classics, Department of Art and the Arts Initiative, Myths of the Academy is an exhibition curated by Richard Fletcher (Ohio State Classics) of work by Dani Leventhal (Ohio State Art), George Rush (Ohio State Art), Suzanne Silver (Ohio State Art) and Carmen Winant (CCAD) and their collaborators. The exhibition is part of a multifaceted project that addresses how Plato's use of myth in his dialogues and in the Academy may be used to investigate the role of the artist at the university, the general education of the artist, and the place of art and creativity in academic disciplines.