Recipients of the 2016 Department of Classics Scholarships and Awards

April 13, 2016

Recipients of the 2016 Department of Classics Scholarships and Awards

Clivus Palatinus

Congratulations to this year's winners of the Department of Classics Scholarships and Awards!

Undergraduate Award of Excellence

Grace Rhodes for her paper, "Theseus and Heracles: Their Unique Intellects and Associated Cultures" and Honorable Mention in Classics, Cole Brownsberger for his paper, "Life is Beautiful".

David J. Neustadt Scholarship in Greek and Latin

Michael Camp

Rebecca Lucile Cornetet Scholarship

Seth Carey

The Tim Neustadt Graduate Research Fund

Kelly Taylor

Charles L. Babcock Rome Scholarship

Katie Caliva and William Little

Phaedon John Kozyris and LItsa Kozyris Award

Sofia Deligiannidis, Anna-Maria Thalassinos, and Stavroula Pabst

A.G. Woodhead Prize

Marcus Ziemann