Department Awards Spring 2008

August 26, 2011

Department Awards Spring 2008

In May 2008, the Department has awarded the following fellowships and awards:

1. Undergraduate Majors

Undergraduate Award of Excellence: Beverly Kidson

Honorable Mention in Classics: Bill Isaacs

David J. Neustadt Scholarship in Greek and Latin: Justin Vorhis

Rebecca Lucile Cornetet Scholarship: Joshua Trick

John Vaughn Travel Award: Justin Vorhis (study abroad in Athens)

2. Graduate Students

Charles and Mary Babcock Rome Travel Award:
Dave Gura (graduate student) for his paleographical visits to libraries in Venice and Florence
Ellen Manovich (undergraduate major) for her study abroad in Rome

Geoffrey Woodhead Prize: Katarzyna Jazdzweska for her essay essay “Hagiographic Adventure. Niketas and his Life of Theoktiste” (with Anthony Kaldellis)