Dissertations completed in the Academic Year 2007-2008

August 26, 2011

Dissertations completed in the Academic Year 2007-2008

In the Academic Year 2007-2008, the following students graduated with a PhD from our Department:

Chris Bungard, on “Playing with Your Role in Plautine Theatre” (Batstone)
Dimitrios Kritsotakis, on “Hadrian and the Greek East: Imperial Policy and Communication” (Graf)
Rick Rader, on “Shadows on the Sun: Aeschylus, Genealogy, History” (Kaldellis/Wohl)
Rocki Wentzel, on “Reception, Gifts, and Desire in Vergil’s Aeneid and Augustine’s Confessions” (Batstone)

Congratulations to all, and good luck with your professional career!