Joseph Danielewicz

Joseph Danielewicz

Joseph Danielewicz

Upper School Latin teacher, Columbus School for Girls


  • PhD Greek and Latin, The Ohio State University (2015)
  • M.A., The Ohio State University (2008)
  • B.A. Philosophy; B.A. English Literature; Classical Studies Certificate, Arizona State University, graduate of the Barret Honors College (2006)

Interests: Philosophy, Aristophanes, parody in Plato, narrative ethics.

Papers Presented:

"The Republic: Plato's Case Against Political Idealism" (CAMWS Waco, TX. 2014)

"The Influence of Gorgias' Materialism on Agathon's Eros" (CAMWS Baton Rouge, LA. 2012)

"The Atlantis Myth: Plato's Case Against Political Idealism" (Classical Association of the Mid-West and South, 2011)

"Re-approaching Therapy in the de rerum natura: Identification with Poetic Imagery as Psychoanalytic Repetition" (Classical Association of the Mid-West and South, 2008)