What is your major and minor?
I am a History major who is minoring in Classics: Roman Civilization.
What is your hometown?
Columbus, OH
Why did you choose to study Classics?
Ever since I was a child I loved learning about the mythology surrounding Greek and Roman religion! While traveling, my parents would take my brothers and I to different museums so we could learn about the past. Although my brothers never really found interest in it, I was totally enthralled, and knew I needed to learn more. I hope my time studying Classics and History as a general subject will appease the younger version of me who was so keen on learning!
What do you like most about the Department of Classics?
I really love the faculty and how helpful they have been so far! When I go to my professors with questions, no matter how far out or irrelevant they can seem, they always try their best to help me in finding an answer. I look forward to meeting more of the faculty as I continue my education!
What is your favorite class you have taken in the Department of Classics and why?
My favorite Classics-adjacent class I have taken so far is my Archaic Greece class. The subject is incredibly interesting and my Professor's passion for the subject clearly shines during his lectures.
What advice would you give to other students considering pursuing a major or minor in Classics?
I would suggest utilizing the resources available to you to get the most out of your time as an undergraduate. For example, if there's a topic you want to explore in your studies but OSU doesn't offer a class on it, find other ways to learn about it! I personally am looking into the Big Ten Alliance, as it would allow me to take classes through other Big Ten schools that OSU doesn't necessarily offer. Basically, talk to your professors and advisors to get the best experience you can!
Is there anything else you would like to share about your studies?
Thanks so much to my high school history teachers who taught me so much and helped me discover my passion for history! You will always be the first people who encouraged me to pursue this path, and I'm incredibly thankful for that.