What is your major?
Classics - Greek & Latin
What is your hometown?
Worthington, Ohio
Why did you choose to study the Classics?
Classics, specifically Greek Myth, has been a lifelong love. In 4th grade I printed an alphabetized list of the Greek Pantheon, hole punched it by hand to fit into a 3 ring binder that I kept in my backpack at all times. It was a natural choice.
What do you like most about the Department of Classics?
Besides the courses, the people! I find easy conversations and fast friends throughout the entire department.
What is your favorite class you have taken in the Department of Classics and why?
As a transfer student to OSU I am currently taking my first Classics courses at this university, but I am currently in both Introduction to Classic Literature and What Is Race? Perspectives From Antiquity to the Present and find both riveting and exciting! Intro to Classic Lit has highlighted plays other Classics courses have not covered, while What Is Race? has made me rethink my approach to Classics as a whole.
What advice would you give to other students considering pursuing a major or minor in Classics?
We'd love to have you! Classics can only survive and thrive as a field with more people from more backgrounds, more experiences and more perspectives.
Is there anything else you would like to share about your studies?
I am very excited to be at OSU as a transfer student from Columbus State and I would like to thank the Classics Department at CSCC for starting me on this journey.