What is your area(s) of study/research?
Hellenistic Poetry, Archaic and Classical Lyric
What is your hometown?
San Francisco, CA
What degrees do you hold and from where?
Ph.D. University of California Berkeley 1995
Why did you choose to study the Classics?
Influence of high school and undergraduate teachers.
What do you like most about the Department of Classics?
Some of the friendships and the variety of backgrounds of its faculty.
What kind of work or research are you doing now in Classics?
I'm writing a book on Alexandrian reception of Greek Archaic Choral Lyric. I am also finishing a collection of my published papers and co-editing an edition of Callimachus' epigrams.
What advice would you give to students considering pursuing a major or minor in Classics?
You want to do what you love in this life. Only pursue something if your heart is set on it.