Corey Hackworth

Corey Hackworth

Corey Hackworth

Visiting Assistant Professor at Baylor University


  • PhD Greek and Latin, The Ohio State University - 2014
  • M.A Classical Studies, The Ohio State University - 2010
  • M.A. Church History (magna cum laude), Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary - 2006
  • Post-Baccalaureate in Classics, the University of Pennsylvania - 2007
  • M.A. Theology (magna cum laude), Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary - 2004
  • B.A. Music, the University of Alaska Anchorage - 2000

(2014: Reading Athenaios’ epigraphical hymn to Apollo: Critical edition and commentaries)

Present: Baylor University, Department of Classics, one-year Temporary Lecturer

Past: University of Iowa, Department of Classics, Visiting Assistant Professorship