Luke Gorton
Visiting Lecturer of Classics and Religious Studies, University of New Mexico
- B.A., Lee University (2007)
- M.A., Linguistics, University of Georgia (2009), Historical track
- Ph.D., Classics, The Ohio State University (2014) (Graduate Interdisciplinary Specialization: Religions of the Ancient Mediterranean)
“Through the Grapevine: Tracing the Origins of Wine” (Advisors: C. López-Ruiz [Classics], B. Joseph [Linguistics], S. Meier [Near Eastern Languages and Cultures])
Research Interests
- Connections between Greece and the Near East
- Ancient Mediterranean Religions
- Greek, Latin, and Indo-European Linguistics
“Evidence for Adverbial Origins of Final –ς on the Medieval and Modern Greek –οντας Participle”, Journal of Greek Linguistics 13.1 (Spring 2013)
- American Philological Association, Chicago, January 2014: "From Hebrew to Latin: Verbs in Translation in the Book of Ecclesiastes"
- Society of Biblical Literature, Baltimore, November 2013: "From Hebrew to Greek: Verbs in Translation in the Book of Ecclesiastes"
- Duke-UNC Classics Colloquium, Duke University, April 2013: “Community Under Siege: Jewish Identity During the Time of the Maccabees”
- The 10th Annual Martin Luther King Linguistics Symposium, Ohio State University, January 2013: “Wine and the Early Indo-Europeans”
- Midwestern Consortium for Greek Linguistics, University of Chicago, March 2012: “The origins of the –ονταςparticiple in Medieval and Modern Greek”
Courses Taught
- Graduate seminar on Jews in the Greco-Roman World, Methodist Theological Seminary of Ohio, August-December 2013
- Introductory Latin (two-semester course), Wittenberg University, August 2013-May 2014
- Introductory Greek (two-semester course), Wittenberg University, August 2012-May 2013
- Introductory Greek (two-semester course), Ohio State University, August 2012-May 2013
- Introductory Latin (four-quarter course), Ohio State University, March 2011-June 2012
- Classical Mythology, Ohio State University, June 2011-August 2011
- Ancient Greek Literature (TA), Ohio State University, January-March 2011
- Classical Background of Scientific Terminology (online), Ohio State University, September-December 2010
- Generative Syntax (TA), University of Georgia, August-December 2008
- Elementary Greek (four semesters, TA), Lee University, August 2005-May 2007
- Spanish Laboratory (two semesters of two sections each), Lee University, August 2004-May 2005
- Full proficiency: English, Spanish
- Full reading and teaching proficiency: Ancient Greek, Latin, French, Italian, German, Portuguese
- Teaching proficiency: Biblical Hebrew, Gothic
- Philological proficiency: Sanskrit (Vedic/Classical), Avestan (Young), Hittite, Old Irish, Akkadian (Middle Babylonian), Egyptian (Middle)