Katie Rask
Associate Professor
114 Morrill Hall
1465 Mt Vernon Ave
Marion, OH 43302
Areas of Expertise
- Greek and Etruscan archaeology
- religion in the Greek and Italian worlds
- animal sacrifice and votive practices
2023. Personal Experience and Material Devotion in Ancient Greek Religion. Routledge.
Recent Articles
Forthcoming. “Animal Sacrifice in Parts: Theorizing Disarticulation and Dismemberment in Greek and Etruscan Ritual Killing,” in G. Ekroth and M. Carbon (eds.) From Snout to Tail: Exploring the Greek Sacrificial Animal from the Literary, Epigraphical, Iconographical, and Zooarchaeological Evidence. Swedish Institute at Athens and Rome.
2022. “Iconography and Roman Religion,” L. Cline (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Roman Imagery and Iconography. Oxford University Press, 487-511.
2020. “Familiarity and Phenomenology in Greece: Accumulated Votives as Group-made Monuments,” Archiv für Religionsgeschichte 21-22, 127-151.
2019. With Dan Leon. “New Light on Arrian’s Praenomen from Digital Epigraphy,” Histos 13, 34-52.
2017. Reprint. “The New Acropolis Museum: Where the Visual Feast Trumps Education,” reprinted in R. Skeates (ed.), Museums and Archaeology. Leicester Readers in Museum Studies (Routledge), 449-455.
2016. “Devotionalism, Material Culture, and the Personal in Greek Religion,” Kernos 28, 9-40.
2014. “Etruscan Animal Bones and their Implications for Ancient Sacrifice,” History of Religions 53, 269-312.
2011. “New Approaches to the Archaeology of Etruscan Cult Images,” in N. de Grummond and I. Edlund Berry (eds.), The Archaeology of Sanctuaries and Ritual in Etruria. Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplement, 89-112.