Fritz Graf Fund for Ancient Mediterranean Religions Established!

July 31, 2014

Fritz Graf Fund for Ancient Mediterranean Religions Established!

The Graduate Interdisciplinary Specialization in Ancient Mediterranean Religions is very pleased to announce the establishment of the Fritz Graf Fund.  The Graf Fund, which was endowed by one of Professor Graf’s former graduate students in appreciation of his teaching and mentorship in the field of ancient Mediterranean religions, will help to support GISRAM students’ travel to conferences (for further information on the award, visit the new GISRAM web page).

Professor Graf, who joined the Ohio State faculty in 2002 and was named a Distinguished University Professor in 2009, is the author of numerous books and articles on ancient Mediterranean religions and has taught graduate seminars in the field at Ohio State, Princeton University, the Universität Basel, the Universität Zürich, the University of Chicago, Cornell University, the École Normale Superieur Ve section  of the Sorbonne, and the Universita di Urbino.  His doctoral and post-doctoral students hold professorships and other academic posts throughout America and Europe.

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