

The Phaedon John Kozyris and Litsa Kozyris Travel Award

The Phaedon John Kozyris and Litsa Kozyris Travel Award

The Modern Greek Program
at The Ohio State University
The Phaedon John Kozyris and Litsa Kozyris Travel Award

This $50,000 endowed fund provides financial support to graduate…

Announcing the Department of Classics collection of ancient coins

Announcing the Department of Classics collection of ancient coins

In 1938, the Department of Classics purchased a medium-sized collection of ancient coins, which have now been moved to the Center for Epigraphical and Paleographical Studies. They are in the…

CANE image

Announcing the Graduate Program on Classical Antiquity and the Near East

The Department of Classics is pleased to announce the new track within the Classics program on Classical Antiquity and the Near East (CANE) dedicated to the study of the Classical world and the…

Clivus Palatinus

Congratulations, Dr. Adam Rappold!

Adam Rappold successfully defended his dissertation, "The Shadow of the Polis: A Synchronic and Diachronic Examination of the Skira Festival in Athens", on Thursday, July 9, 2015. Sarah Johnston…

Clivus Palatinus

Corey Hackworth Accepts Visiting Assistant Professorship

We are very pleased to announce that Corey Hackworth has accepted a three-year Visiting Assistant Professorship in Classics at the University of Iowa.  Dr. Hackworth successfully defended his…

Clivus Palatinus

Congratulations, Dr. Michael Jean!

Michael Jean successfully defended his dissertation, "Cursus Fastorum: a study and edition of Pomponius Laetus's glosses to Ovid's Fasti" on Tuesday, June 23, 2015. Frank Coulson served as his…

Professor Jusdanis Book Cover

WOSU's Ann Fisher Interviews Professor Gregory Jusdanis

Professor Gregory Jusdanis made an appearance on Monday, June 8 on WOSU's "All Sides with Ann Fisher." The show lasted one hour and was devoted to his book, "A Tremendous Thing, Friendship from…

Clivus Palatinus

Congratulations, Dr. Marion Kruse!

Marion Kruse successfully defended his dissertation, "The Politics of Roman Memory in the Age of Justinian" on Friday, May 22, 2015. Anthony Kaldellis served as his advisor and Benjamin Acosta-…

Professor Harrill and Laura Tringali

2015 Department Scholarships and Awards

 Undergraduate Award of Excellence ($300.00):  Laura Tringali for her paper, "The Project of Comparison: Pauline and Post-Pauline Traditions" (Advisor: Professor J. Albert…