Spring-Autumn 2013: Graduate Student Accomplishments

September 4, 2013

Spring-Autumn 2013: Graduate Student Accomplishments

Kelly Dugan gave a paper on “A Generative Approach to Homeric Enjambment: Benefits and Drawbacks” at the 10th Annual MLK Day Linguistics Symposium at OSU (January 20, 2013).

Hanne Eisenfeld has been awarded a Presidential Fellowship for the 2013-14 Academic Year.

Alice Gaber wom the Woodhead (for the best graduate student paper of the year, see prize http://classics.osu.edu/ag-woodhead-prize), and presented at CAMWS a paper titled "Narrative Paradigm and Agamemnon's Apology."

Luke Gorton published an article on “Evidence for Adverbial Origins of Final –ς on the Medieval and Modern Greek –οντας Participle”, Journal of Greek Linguistics 13.1 (Spring 2013). He also gave two papers, “Community Under Siege: Jewish Identity During the Time of the Maccabees” at the Duke-UNC Classics Colloquium (2013) and “Wine and the Early Indo-Europeans” at The 10th Annual Martin Luther King Linguistics Symposium, Ohio State University, (2013)

Corey Hackworth gave a paper on “Performance and (Re)Performance: Reading the Delphic Hymns in Context” at CAMWS (2013, Iowa City).

Michael Jean was awarded a Mellon Fellowship at the Vatican Film Library for research on his dissertation topic.

Craig Jendza has published the entries “Chimera,” “Minotaur,” and “Pegasus” in the Ashgate Encyclopedia of Literary and Cinematic Monsters, ed. J. Weinstock. Surrey: Ashgate Publishing (2013). He also has two articles in press: “Supplemental Persuasive Analogies in PGM V. 70-95,” Archiv für Religionsgeschichte 15 (2013) and “Theseus the Ionian in Bacchylides 17 and Indo-Iranian Apam Napat,” Journal of Indo-European Studies 41 (2013).  He also gave a paper on “Theseus the Ionian and Indo-Iranian apam napat” at the 10th Annual MLK Day Linguistics Symposium: Indo-European Linguistics Ohio State University (Columbus OH, January 2013) and a paper on “Hostages and Incineration in Euripides and Aristophanes” at the APA Annual Meeting in Seattle (January 2013).

Marion Kruse has an article in press on ‘The Speech of the Armenians in Procopius: Justinian’s Foreign Policy and the Transition between Books 1 and 2 of the Wars,’ Classical Quarterly 63 (2013) forthcoming.

Brittany Lauber will be giving a paper entitled "Food, Religion, and Identity in the Letter of Aristeas" at the 2014 UC Irvine Department of Classics Graduate Conference, "You are What You Eat: Appetite, Consumption, and Identity in Antiquity" on March 7-8, 2014.  She also presented a paper on "Dueling Dreamers: Divine Dreams as Propaganda During the Second Punic War" at the graduate student colloquium Nox Erat: Night and Nocturnal Activities in the Ancient World (University of Virginia). 

Quinn Griffin completed the Toronto-Rome course in paleography (Summer 2013). In 2014 she will attend by invitation the Neo-Latin summer school in Italy, as one of two invited American graduate students.

Adam Rappold published a paper on "The Stuff of Dreams: An Aesopic Critique of Dream Interpretation", forthcoming (2013) in Archiv für Religionsgeschichte 15. He also gave a paper at the 2013 Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association, "An Archaeology of Myth: Erichthonius, Erechtheus, and the Construction of Athenian Identity."

John Richards had a paper accepted at the conference on the Reception of Thucydides and Herodotus to be held at the Warburg Institute in March 2015.

Christine Hamilton presented at CAMWS 2013 a paper on "Parodic Allusions: the Odyssey and Euripides' Helen."